Thursday, September 27, 2007

20070926 China warns of catastrophe from gigantic Dam (2)

The open discussion of the negative effects of the Three Gorges Dam comes a month after the Wall Street Journal reported on the rising concerns of landslides, pollution and flooding in the area.

Both Tan and Li said the quality of water in the Yangtze tributaries had deteriorated and outbreaks of algae or aquatic weeds had become more common.

The government has invested heavily in programs designed to restore and conserve the ecology of the Three Gorges area in recent years, including 12 billion yuan (about 1.5 billion U.S. dollars) spent on trying to harness geological disasters such as landslides.

It has also closed or relocated 1,500 manufacturing ventures, constructed more than 70 sewage disposal and waste treatment plants and resettled about 70,000 people from disaster-prone areas.

The Three Gorges Project, the world's largest water control facility, was
launched in 1993,
Located on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River
completed in early 20
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20070926 China warns of catastrophe from gigantic Dam (1)

WUHAN -- Chinese officials and experts have admitted the Three Gorges Dam project has caused an array of ecological ills, including more frequent landslides and pollution, and if preventive measures are not taken, there could be an environmental "catastrophe".

While the dam has served as a barrier against seasonal flooding threatening the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the electricity generated by hydropower has led to a decrease of 100 million tons of carbon emissions, the benefits have come at an ecological and environmental cost, officials said.

They said the huge weight of the water behind the Three Gorges Dam had started to erode the Yangtze's banks in many places, which, together with frequent fluctuations in water levels, had triggered a series of landslides.

Frequent geological disasters have threatened the lives of residents around the reservoir area

Clear water discharged from the Three Gorges Dam has also threatened the safety
of the protective embankments downstream

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

20070922 Arctic sea ice 'melts to all-time low'

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Photographs taken in September 2005 and 2007
Photographs taken in September 2005 and 2007

Sea ice in the Arctic shrank to the smallest area on record this summer, prompting fears it could melt completely within decades and speed up global warming.

The ice, which melts in summer months and regrows in the winter cold, shrank so much this year that the route became fully navigable for around five weeks.

Sea ice reflects most of the sunlight that strikes it. However, once it melts, the dark ocean surface, which absorbs sunlight, becomes exposed. This causes waters to warm and increases the melt rate. If the sea ice were to disappear, the Earth would absorb more solar energy, which could accelerate global warming.

Wildlife in the Arctic would also suffer, particularly polar bears which cross ice floes in search of food.

scientists at the NSIDC warned that, at current rates, the Arctic could be
ice-free in the summer by 2030 and blamed climate change for the record melting.
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20070923 Ozone layer deal struck over chemical ban

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Chemicals that thin the ozone layer and exacerbate global warming are to be phased out more rapidly under an agreement by nearly 200 countries in Montreal at the weekend.

The deal brings forward by ten years to 2030 a ban on hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) used in air conditioning, refrigeration and hairsprays, and sets a timetable for an accelerated phase-out of the chemicals in developed countries by 2020.

HCFCs not only damage ozone, they have a global warming potential 1800 times that of carbon dioxide, so the agreement is estimated to mean a reduction of the equivalent of 26 billion tons of carbon dioxide reaching the atmosphere.

The treaty was agreed in 1987 to slow down the manufacture and eventually eliminate production of substances that deplete the ozone layer which protects the Earth from harmful solar rays which can cause skin cancer and accelerate global warming.

Ozone layer breakthrough as ban agreed
The black spot shows a "hole" in ozone distribution over the South Pole
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

20070918 白石角打造小矽谷 南豐﹕配套更勝數碼港

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20090917 退耕還林暫停 突顯制度缺陷

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 退耕還林計劃推行以來,中國恢復了約3. 64億畝林地或草地,相當於再造了一個東北、內蒙古國有林區,這個成績必須保住,但願今年8月宣布的暫停真的只是暫時停止前行,而不是節節敗退的開端。


 明報駐京記者 劉進圖

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20070917 空氣污染嚴重天濛濛 邱騰華:盡快諮詢停車熄匙

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20070916 暖化融冰 北極西北航道首開通

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

20070913 Lessons from 2004 Tsunami

Aid agencies said they were impressed with the speed of the evacuation from coastal areas as tsunami warnings were repeatedly issued and lifted for Indian Ocean countries after the magnitude 8.4 quake and subsequent tremors.

Damage was not as bad as initially feared.

"Our initial assessment is that the government will be able to cope,"
"It seems in the town there is a good response organized by the Indonesian
government in terms of primary health services, tents and shelter."

"Hopefully that is the legacy of 2004," Red Cross spokesman Matthew Cochrane said. "There is clearly an improved early warning system in the Indian Ocean. If it happens again hopefully it won't be nearly as bad."

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20070913 Aid groups rush to assess after Indonesia quake

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LONDON (Reuters) - Aid agencies have pledged cash and rushed teams to assess
damage and help the injured after a major earthquake and a series of powerful
aftershocks shook Indonesia's Sumatra island.

Red Cross volunteers set up temporary medical centers, but the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) said Indonesia's own Red Cross society seemed able to cope and there was no need for an international response.

Australia pledged A$50,000 (US$42,000) in emergency aid on Thursday through the Indonesian Red Cross.

CARE International said its greatest worry was disease.

"After an earthquake of the size, the electricity and water systems are the
first infrastructure to be broken because of the severe shaking,"

"If people don't have access to clean water, the first danger is outbreak of waterborne disease."

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20070913 Indonesia's Sumatra has lucky escape from tsunami

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BENGKULU, Indonesia (Reuters) - Indonesia's Sumatra island was hit by a series of aftershocks on Thursday after a powerful earthquake toppled hundreds of buildings, killing at least 10 people and burying many others.

In Bengkulu, nearly 800 houses collapsed and many more were damaged, but the full extent of the quake was still unknown because of the difficulty of reaching or contacting some areas.

many people were trapped under collapsed buildings.

Authorities said the situation was not as bad as first feared, while a seismologist added that the region was lucky to have escaped a tsunami similar to the one triggered by the more than 9 magnitude quake in 2004 that killed over 280,000 people.

"The damage is relatively less" than feared, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
told reporters on Thursday.
People are better at responding to disasters than in previous years."

Indonesia suffers frequent quakes, as it lies on an active seismic belt on the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire".

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20070913 Indonesia lifts tsunami warning after Sulawesi quake

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Indonesia's meteorological agency lifted its tsunami warning on Thursday shortly
after a strong undersea earthquake hit southeast of Sulawesi>

The agency put the quake at 6.4 on the Richter scale and at a depth of 30 km
(19 miles).

Suharjono, an official with the meteorological agency, said a tsunami warning is automatically issued when an undersea quake exceeds a magnitude of 6.2, and that in this particular case, there had been little risk of a tsunami.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

20070912 億年岩石老而彌堅 《地質考察指引》面世 港岩石具特色價值高

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 萬宜水庫多角形岩石柱 世界罕有
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20070911 酸雨融化石林

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20070907 港珠澳橋口岸 為保育寧繞路

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 綠色力量及世界自然基金會均指出, 石散石灣一帶有生態保育價值,包括有紅樹林、馬蹄蟹,而對開水域亦是中華白海豚棲息處。

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

20070904 Atlas changes maps reflects the abrupt changes of the world

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Images showing how Lake Chad has shrunk: Left 1972, right 1987

The Atlas claims that the world population is becoming increasingly urbanised and that within the next year people living in towns and cities will outnumber those living in rural areas for the first time.

• Due to its increasingly dry climate and the extraction of water to support the growing population, the mouth of the Yellow River has changed shape.

• China is the world's second biggest consumer of energy - behind the USA.

• Demand for renewable resources has exceeded the earth's capacity to provide them since the late 1980s.

• Over one per cent (1.23 million km) of tropical forest is destroyed every year mainly to clear land for food crops.

• Up to 40 per cent of known coral reefs have been destroyed or degraded in the last few decades.

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