Friday, October 23, 2009

20091023 澳洲西北外海原油外洩 嚴重威脅深海生物

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(法新社雪梨23日電) 保育人士今天警告,澳洲西北外海大規模原油和天然氣外洩事件,不僅導致海鳥死亡,並威脅數以千計海洋生物。

泰國能源巨頭「泰油勘產」(PTTEP)澳洲分公司,正準備第四度封堵原油外洩的蒙塔拉(Montara)井口。該處自8月21日起不斷噴出原油和天然氣,並冷凝沉澱於帝汶海域(Timor Sea)。


世界自然基金會    (World Wide Fund forNature,WWF)指出,西艾特拉斯(West Atlas)鑽油台鄰近區域具有豐富的海洋生物,目前已有16隻海鳥接觸海上的有毒浮油而死亡。

生物學家呂艾林(Gilly Llewellyn)負責帶領WWF人員於此區域進行研究,她表示有時候會看到海豚「從滿佈污油的海水浮出頭,一點都不誇張。」



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20091023 美研究:生質燃料恐升高溫室氣體

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(法新社華盛頓    23日電) 美國    專家警告,現存的生質燃料生產管理規則鼓勵濫伐森林,因此意味此科技在減低溫室氣體排放上,是「錯誤」的方法。


率領這項研究的普林斯頓大學學者瑟沁澤(Timothy Searchinger)說:「這是嚴重錯誤,但可立即修正。」

該研究呼籲,世界各國應在12月哥本哈根氣候峰會討論這項議題。各國都抱著在哥本哈根簽署新氣候協議、取代京都議定書(Kyoto Treaty)的希望。


科學家卡門    (Daniel Kammen)表示,1997年制定、2005年實施的京都議定書中就有上述條文。京都議定書具有法律約束力,來規範37個已開發國家降低溫室氣體排放。

加州大學柏克萊分校(University of Californiain Berkeley)學者卡門指出,歐洲聯盟的排放交易制度(Emissions Trading System)及今年美國眾院議員通過的氣候法案,也啟用有相同漏洞的規定。


世界自然基金會    (WWF)今天公布研究指出,每年全世界有1300萬公頃林地被砍伐殆盡,相當於每分鐘有36個足球場消失。


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20091023 WWF:全球森林消失速度 每分鐘36個足球場

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(法新社布宜諾斯艾利斯22日電) 世界自然基金會    (World Wide Fund for Nature, WWF)今天聲明指出,全世界森林消失速度,相當於每分鐘36個足球場。

WWF在聯合國    主辦的世界林業大會(World Forestry Congress)中公佈此數據,呼籲2020年前達到「零淨砍伐」(net deforestation zero)目標。這場會議是在阿根廷    首都布宜諾斯艾利斯舉行。

WWF林業計畫負責人泰勒(Rodney Taylor)表示,這項訴求強調面對毀林威脅的「迫切程度」,以「保護地球的健康」。




根據綠色和平    (Greenpeace)組織及阿根廷林業生命基金會(Argentina's Forestry Life Foundation)等5個環境團體提供的數據,阿根廷目前只剩下30%的原始樹林。


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20091023 港貧富差距全球最懸殊

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  據美國    《商業周刊》引述聯合國開發組織最新公布的《中美洲人類發展報告》,當中指香港是全球最先進經濟發展地區中,貧富懸殊情況最嚴重,堅尼指數達到四十三點四(下用堅尼系數,相等於零點四三四),而經濟體系與香港相近的新加坡    ,則排行第二,系數為零四二五,第三位是美國。堅尼系數數值介乎零與一之間,數值愈高即表示社會收入分布愈不平均;一般而言,系數超過零點四已經是到達「警戒線」。但報告指北歐各國、日本    捷克    ,則是最均富的先進經濟體國家。

  周刊又引述報告指,香港貧富懸殊情況最大,可能是因本港有較多百萬美元    收入的富豪造成,據《福布斯》今年三月的公布,本港有十九名億萬富豪,而新加坡只有兩名。另外,報告指本港除外傭,並無為工人訂下最低工資保障,成為加劇貧富懸殊的成因之一。本港的堅尼系數多年來都超過零點四的「警戒線」,更長期領先其他先進經濟體。資料顯示,○六年本港堅尼系數一度高達零點五三三。

  社聯早前以全港入息中位數一半來作貧窮線,推算本港貧窮人口達到一百二十三萬人。社聯認為綜援    為政府扶貧的措施,但政府卻以綜援金額作為貧窮標準,推算本港貧窮人口只有九十六萬人,兩者雖相差百分之二十二,社聯認為政府帶頭深入研究如何滅貧。

  社區組織協會主任何喜華亦指,本港貧窮人口十數年間升逾五十萬人,反映政府「財富下滲理論」已告失敗,富庶人士的收入不會惠及貧窮基層。樂施會    倡議幹事黃碩紅認為,本港應研究創造更多低學歷、低技術的職位助低層就業,以及增加社會保障,如退休及失業援助。

  港大社會工作及社會行政學系講座教授周永新    指,財富分布不均,極易造成社會分化,本港貧窮人口多為失業及欠缺工作能力的長者,政府應盡快訂立最低工資及全民退休保障,以平衡社會貧富狀況。

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

20091022 晨曦島再生能源發電 全港之先

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【明報專訊】晨曦島福音戒毒中心位處西貢    的一個小島,長年靠柴油發電機發電,職員每天要又開又關發電機,以供應全島全日的電力。為了配合戒毒中心重建工作,電力公司在島上分階段安裝900塊太陽能板和兩台風車,「撐起」全島供電,完成後晨曦島將成為全港首個只以再生能源發電的地方。


葉陳幔利說,社會福利署    要求戒毒中心重建,才可申領長期牌照,重建包括加建供電設施。她說,完成整個重建計劃需6000萬元,包括加建多幢宿舍,目前與目標仍有一定距離,屆時入住名額可由現時50個,額外增加50個。




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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

20091013 研究非市場經濟成就大 諾貝爾獎 首位女性奪經濟學獎

諾貝爾經濟學獎再次成為美國人的天下,兩名美國學者奧斯特羅姆( Elinor Ostrom)和威廉森( Oliver Williamson),多年來專注研究制度經濟學、產權及交易成本等範疇,瑞典皇家科學院為表揚兩人在研究非市場經濟管理所取得的成就,決定將今屆諾貝爾經濟學獎頒發給他們,其中奧斯特羅姆更是經濟學獎自 1969年開始頒發以來,首位獲獎的女經濟學者。兩人將平分 1,000萬瑞典克朗( 1,110萬港元)獎金。

????? Elinor Ostrom

奧斯特羅姆 Elinor Ostrom

在印第安納大學布盧明頓分校任教的奧斯特羅姆,成為 40年來首位獲得經濟學獎的女性,諾貝爾獎評審委員會讚揚「她對經濟管理具有精闢分析,特別是在全球共有財產方面」。
這位 76歲女經濟學者,一直專注於研究全球共有財產資源匱乏,強調人類行為和生態系統怎樣互相影響。傳統經濟理論認為,假如魚產、草原、叢林、湖泊和地下水盆地等天然資源,並非由私人擁有,肯定會被過度利用,為免出現這情況,共有財產必須受到政府或私人監管。
奧斯特羅姆曾對蒙古和中俄兩國的大草原進行深入研究,發現游牧民族聚居的蒙古草原,一直保存其管理草原的傳統,土地質素遠比行人民公社時的內蒙古和俄羅斯的草原好,就算中國政府在 1980年代將內蒙古大部份草原私有化,土地質素也及不上蒙古。
奧斯特羅姆這次奪獎,反映關注環保的經濟學派抬頭。但經濟學獎得主從未出現過女性,她這次可說是爆冷勝出,博彩公司事前給她的賠率是 1賠 50。

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

20091011 煤氣將沼氣變燃氣

【本報訊】煤氣公司計劃斥資 5億元,在將軍澳堆填區設廠,將垃圾產生的沼氣,轉作煤氣供應,取代傳統石腦油生產煤氣,將佔總產量的 5%,供應約 9萬個家庭,有助減少溫室氣體排放。煤氣公司承諾不會因此而提高煤氣費。
煤氣公司常務董事陳永堅昨表示,新廠最快 3年內落成,預算投產初期有虧蝕,但承諾不會因此而加煤氣費;公司正與政府洽談最後細節,期望盡快落實。

煤氣公司 07年開始買入打鼓嶺堆填區的沼氣,將淨化沼氣(合成天然氣)輸送到煤氣位於大埔的廠房,代替石腦油生產煤氣。據悉,將軍澳項目與打鼓嶺不同,因將軍澳堆填區距離煤氣廠房太遠,建輸氣管道到大埔廠房不合乎成本效益,故在將軍澳堆填區建廠直接改變沼氣成份,變成現行煤氣的熱值,便可使用。

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Monday, October 5, 2009

20090929 The Manila Floods: Why Wasn't the City Prepared?

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Torrential rain over the weekend triggered the worst flooding the Philippines'
capital has seen in over four decades, submerging more than 80% of the city,
killing at least 246 people and displacing hundreds of thousands more.
The capital region is perched on a marshy isthmus that is crisscrossed with
streams and rivers. An ever-growing population — Manila is now a sprawling
mega-city of some 12 million people
Last weekend's flood was in large part the result of the capital's poor drainage
and sanitation systems, which have been neglected by several successive
administrations in power.
Plans have been afoot to improve sanitation and also relieve the population
burden in metro Manila by shifting certain businesses and government offices to
areas outside the dense capital region. But the challenge facing the Philippines
and other poor Asian countries is one of resources.
A man takes a break from cleaning a house that was swamped by Tropical Storm Ketsana in Marikina City, east of Manila, on Sept. 28, 2009. The flooding has killed at least 246 people

A man takes a break from cleaning a house that was swamped by
Tropical Storm Ketsana
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Sunday, October 4, 2009

20091004 Study: Sichuan quake once in 4,000 years

BEIJING: China's devastating earthquake last year that left some 90,000 people dead or missing was caused by a geological event that occurs about once every 4,000 years, a study led by Chinese researchers said Sunday.

Researchers said the 7.9-magnitude quake was caused by the breaking of solid rock separating major fault segments, allowing the quake to cascade along multiple faults. Such rock barriers stop the vast majority of quakes, limiting their intensity.

"The authors find that the stresses that had built up in the Earth's crust in
the Sichuan region were sufficiently large for the fault rupture to break
through strong seismic barriers. This resulted in a much larger and more deadly

The locations of the intersections and their shallow depth "means they are very much to blame for the very high destruction and human casualties at Yingxiu, Beichuan and Nanba," Zheng-Kang Shen of the China Earthquake Administration, the lead author of the study, told The Associated Press.

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20091004 Quake jolts Taiwan, no damage reported

BEIJING: Tremor was felt in almost the whole Taiwan island early Sunday morning as a 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit the sea off Hualien of east Taiwan, local meteorological authorities said.

No casualties had been reported in the island till near Sunday noon.

The authorities said the earthquake was a normal release of energy and there was no need for panic.

The quake happened at 1:36 am. The epicenter, at a depth of about 10 km, was located at 23.7 degrees north latitude and 121.6 degrees east longitude, according to the national seismological network.

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Friday, October 2, 2009

20090930 8.0 magnitude quake generates tsunami off Samoa islands

* Big sub-sea quake causes tsunami in South Pacific
* Deaths reported in American Samoa and Western Samoa

8.0 magnitude quake generates tsunami off Samoa islands

A powerful 8.0 magnitude earthquake in the Pacific off the Samoa islands region generated a tsunami Tuesday. [Agencies] 8.0 magnitude quake generates tsunami off Samoa islands

The waves at Pago Pago were 5.1 feet (1.57 metres) above normal sea level, according to the Pacific Western Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.

American Samoa is a tiny US territory that lies about halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand. It is home to about 65,000 people.

The epicenter of the quake was located 120 miles (190 km) southwest of American Samoa, a remote Pacific island, the US Geological Survey. The USGS earlier said the quake measured 7.9 magnitude. It struck at a depth of 11.2 miles (18 km).

Hawaii was monitoring the situation.

"Sea level readings indicate a tsunami was generated. It may have been destructive along coasts near the earthquake epicenter and could also be a threat to more distant coasts," the Pacific warning center said.

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20090930 Quake triggers Tsunami in the Samoas, killing 34

Quake triggers Tsunami in the Samoas, killing 34
A powerful 8.0 magnitude earthquake generated Pacific tsunami on Wednesday, killing an unknown number of people in American and Western Samoa and sending others fleeing for higher ground, officials said. [Agencies]

The tsunami hit American Samoa about 25 minutes after the quake, which is similar to the travel time in 2004, Atwater said. The big difference is there were more people in Indonesia at risk than in Samoa.

Quake triggers Tsunami in the Samoas, killing 34

An overturned vehicle is stranded among wreckage after a tsunami hit the village of Si'umu in Western Samoa September 30, 2009 in this photo taken by a resident of Western Samoa and forwarded to Reuters. [Agencies]Quake triggers Tsunami in the Samoas, killing 34

"It was very quick. The whole village has been wiped out," Ansell told New Zealand's National Radio from a hill near Samoa's capital, Apia. "There's not a building standing. We've all clambered up hills, and one of our party has a broken leg. There will be people in a great lot of need 'round here."

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20091002 Thousands feared dead after Indonesia quake

* At least 500 dead in Padang area after quake - ministry
* Many still buried under rubble
* Schools, hospitals, hotels collapse in quake-prone Padang
* 7.6 magnitude quake cuts communications
* Second, 6.6 magnitude quake, hits Sumatra
Thousands feared dead after Indonesia quake

The 7.6 magnitude quake struck the bustling port city of 900,000 people on Wednesday, toppling hundreds of buildings. Telephone connections were patchy, making it hard for officials to work out the extent of destruction and loss of life.

Australia, South Korea and Japan were among nations offering aid or help.

A 6.6 magnitude quake hit another part of Sumatra island on Thursday, causing fresh panic but no reported deaths. The second quake's epicentre was about 225 km (140 miles) southeast of Padang, the US Geological Survey said.

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20091002 Indonesian quake toll at 1,100, thousands missing

Indonesia sits on a major geological fault zone and experiences dozens of quakes every year. A 6.8 magnitude quake shook Sumatra on Thursday but there were no reports of deaths. Both quakes originated on the fault line that spawned the 2004 Asian tsunami that killed 230,000 people in a dozen nations.

There is virtually no enforcement of building regulations in Indonesia, a nation of 235 million people prone to natural and man-made disasters.

The school building's construction was typical of the region, which is located in one of the poorest countries in the world. Most buildings are not made to withstand earthquakes, and even the tough ones were badly damaged in an earthquake in 2007.

An eerie quiet settled over Padang late Thursday as workers called off search efforts for the night. Thousands are thought trapped under shattered buildings in the city of 900,000, raising fears of a significantly higher death toll when the debris is cleared.

Indonesian quake toll at 1,100, thousands missing
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20091001 海嘯 10米水牆  1000公里時速拍岸

海嘯,一種通常由黎克特制 6.5級以上海底地震引發的巨浪,直撲陸地的時速,可高達 800至 1,000公里,令近岸的人來不及走避,龐大水牆拍岸,足以造成滅世災劫般的傷亡損毀。
我們平時所見海面起風浪,就算如何風急浪高,都只是海風吹動海水面最頂端部份。海嘯卻是整個海床至海面的水一同起伏,相比下一般風浪就只像茶杯裏的風波。海嘯巨浪在深水處的高度,跟一般波浪沒分別,但一臨岸就會放慢和漲起,巨浪的水牆可高達 10米或以上,產生毀滅性的破壞力。
大型海嘯約十年發生一次,歷史紀錄顯示 59%海嘯發生在太平洋、 25%在地中海, 12%在大西洋, 4%在印度洋。 2004年底的南亞世紀大海嘯,是由一次 9.15級大地震引發,震災加上海嘯,在印尼、斯里蘭卡、泰國、馬來西亞以至東非的索馬里,共有 23萬人罹難。
智利 1960年 5月發生的 9.5級地震,強度雖是有紀錄以來最高,在美國夏威夷、日本和菲律賓造成 1,893人死亡,殺傷力反不及 2004年那一次。











薩摩亞至少 84人死亡

美屬薩摩亞 22人死亡

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