Saturday, December 26, 2009

20091014 Tsunami exercises run in 27 nations around Indian Ocean

KUALA LUMPUR - Twenty seven nations around the Indian Ocean simultaneously staged tsunami exercises on Wednesday to help their residents practice self-protecting skills, local reports said.

In Malaysia, the tsunami "alerts" were issued from Putrajaya, the administrative center of Malaysia, to Langkawi, a resort island in northern Malaysia, following "warnings" from tsunami watch centers in Hawaii, the United States, and Tokyo, Japan.

The exercise was a success because the relevant authorities from the police, and the civil defense, social welfare and information departments managed to communicate and coordinate the task well, it added.

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20091226 5 years after Sumatra quake, experts warn of next tsunami

5 years after Sumatra quake, experts warn of next tsunami

A major quake measuring around 8.6 magnitude is expected beneath Siberut Island, along the Sunda megathrust, where the Indo-Australian tectonic plate butts up against the Eurasian plate - one of the world's most active fault lines.

"The fault slipped up to 20 meters and that is like several hundred years of plate convergence. It should take several hundred years, if not longer, to accumulate the stress in the system to rupture on that particular strand."

The 2009 Padang earthquake on Sept 30, while large, has not relieved any pressure beneath the Mentawais, as it resulted not from a rupture of the megathrust, but was on a deeper fault.

"Because that (pressure) has not been released in the Padang region, we know the stress has been building and it must eventually be released. The sort of stress which ultimately led to the big rupture at the northern end of Sumatra on Boxing Day."

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20091226 Wuhan-Guangzhou bullet train link to hit airlines hard

Wuhan-Guangzhou bullet train link to hit airlines hard
A bullet train runs on the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway on Thursday. Zhou Chao

Competition between airlines and rail operators will further hot up on Saturday thanks to the launch of China's longest high-speed train link between Wuhan and Guangzhou.

The line stretches more than 1,000 km and will slash the travel time from Wuhan, Hubei province, to Guangzhou in Guangdong from 10 hours to just three.

"High-speed rail has three advantages over air travel: it is more convenient, more punctual and has a better safety record. This could help erode the airlines' market shares," said Si Xianmin, chairman of China Southern Airlines, the largest domestic airline by fleet size.

China plans to have high-speed rail services running between 70 percent of key cities by 2020, which would cover more than 80 percent of the airline network.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

20091215 20,000 evacuated as Philippine volcano (Mt Mayon) oozes lava

20,000 evacuated as Philippine volcano oozes lava
Lava cascades down the slopes of Mayon volcano in Legazpi city, Albay province, at dawn Tuesday Dec. 15, 2009 about 500 kilometers (310 miles) south of Manila, Philippines. [Agencies]

MANILA, Philippines: Authorities moved thousands of villagers from harm's way near the Philippines' most active volcano Tuesday after it oozed lava and shot plumes of ash, and said they probably would spend a bleak Christmas in an evacuation center.

State volcanologists raised the alert level on the cone-shaped, 8,070-foot (2,460-meter) Mayon volcano overnight to two steps below a major eruption after ash explosions and dark orange lava fragments glowing in the dark trickled down the mountain slope.

The Philippines lies along the Pacific "Ring of Fire," where volcanic activity and earthquakes are common. About 22 out of 37 volcanos in the archipelago are active.

Mayon's most violent eruption, in 1814, killed more than 1,200 people and buried a town in mud. A 1993 eruption killed 79 people.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

20091216 邱騰華哥本哈根簽電動車宣言

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環境局局長邱騰華    今日(丹麥時間十二月十六日)代表香港在哥本哈根參與C40電動車輛宣言。

  C40當中的十四個會員城市(波哥大、布宜諾斯艾利斯、芝加哥、哥本哈根、德里、香港、休斯頓、倫敦    洛杉磯    、墨西哥城、多倫多、聖保羅    首爾    悉尼    ),承諾會運用C40組織的力量,加快電動車輛的普及應用。


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Monday, December 14, 2009

20091208 Key to Brazil's deforestation may be in its cows, pastures

Brazil's ability to meet its ambitious 2020 target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent from 2005 levels depends largely on the ability of its agriculture sector, and particularly its huge cattle industry, to meet growing world demand without destroying more forest.

The cattle industry is the main culprit of deforestation, which accounts for around 75 percent of carbon emissions in Brazil, one of the top global emitters.

"Our producers know if they try to expand their land, they won't have a market anymore. They'll have to use the area they have better," Agriculture Minister Reinhold Stephanes said.

"We have the land and technology today that allows us to expand cattle ranching without chopping down a single tree," said researcher Luiz Carlos Balbino. He said Brazil can double or triple beef production without deforesting by boosting the productivity of existing pastures, recovering degraded grass lands, and developing as much as 50 million hectares of unforested savannah.

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20091213 China, Kazakhstan seek green energy cooperation

ASTANA/KAZAKHSTAN: China yesterday signed a wind-power cooperation program with Kazakhstan as Chinese President Hu Jintao paid a work visit to the Central Asian country.

The program will be followed by a series of cooperative projects jointly launched by the two countries in the field of renewable energy.

China, driven by its rosy economic growth, is in dire need of the renewable energy to ensure a green development that no longer depends overwhelmingly on the heavily-pollution coal burning.

"We should accelerate the implementation of the first patch of cooperative projects (in the field), and ensure as soon as possible the field will grow into a large scale and become profitable," Hu said.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

20080123 西氣東輸 翁源入深延香港

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

20091210 「最終變成數百座小冰山」

國際冰巡邏隊( International Ice Patrol)將冰山的體積分為五級,高度矮於 1米、長度少於 5米,屬最小型冰山;高度超過 75米、長度超過 200米,屬於極大冰山。 B17B的長度達到 19公里,因此是超級巨型冰山。但西澳居民不用擔心,因專家指出,隨着冰山向北漂移,海水溫度上升,預料「冰山將會緩慢地分裂,最終變成數百座較小的冰山」,只會對航道造成威脅。
英國布里斯托爾大學自然地理學家班伯( Jonathan Bamber)接受本報訪問時指出,冰山移動速度非常緩慢,所以不會撞向陸地。他指,格陵蘭( Greenland)附近就有幾百座冰山漂浮,冰山未必因氣候變化而脫離冰架。面積最大的冰山是在 2000年脫離南極羅斯冰架、編號 B15的冰山。它最初面積達 11,000平方公里,兩年後崩解成多座較小冰山,當中包括面積 3,000平方公里的 B15A,它在 2005年一度碰到德里加爾斯基冰舌( Drygalski Ice Tongue),令南極地圖要重繪。



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20091210 面積大如 2個香港島 超級冰山漂向澳洲

衞?????????????????????,??? 400????,???????,?????????????

衞星圖片顯示由冰架崩裂出來、在海上漂浮的冰山,面積達 400平方公里,後來它一分為二,其中一座冰山正漂向西澳洲。

正在丹麥哥本哈根( Copenhagen)召開的氣候會議,發達國家和發展中國家代表就減排溫室氣體責任你推我讓,但在地球的另一端,氣候危機已迫在眉睫。衞星圖片顯示,一座面積近兩個香港島那般大的超級冰山,正漂向澳洲西面。科學家表示,這麼巨型的冰山漂流百年難見,對海上交通造成威脅。

澳洲南極署的冰山專家尤恩( Neal Young),最近參考美國太空總署和歐洲航天局拍攝的衞星圖片,赫然發現編號 B17B的超級冰山,向着西澳洲方向漂流,現已漂流至澳洲以南 1,700公里海域。
B17B超級巨型,長約 19公里,闊約 8公里,總面積大概 140平方公里,比面積約 80平方公里的香港島,大接近一倍。尤恩說,「很久很久沒聽說過這麼大的冰山」,出現在這個海域,對上一次可能是 19世紀高速帆船來往英國和澳洲做貿易的時候。
尤恩指出,一座「非常、非常龐大」的冰山, 10年前由南極最大冰架之一的羅斯冰架( Ross Ice Shelf)東端崩裂出來,面積原本更達到 400平方公里,一直在南極洲大陸附近緩慢漂浮,後來分裂成兩座冰山,其中之一正是漂近澳洲的一座。這座冰山在南極附近停留了五年後,突然不尋常地改變方向,隨着洋流和海風,向着北面的澳洲漂去,現在更漂向西澳。

冰山在海上漂浮很多時候會因水溫改變,分裂成冰塊,但 B17B向水溫較暖的北面漂浮,仍能完整地「在海上生存了近一年」,極之罕見。尤恩說:「這是歷來在東經 107.5度和南緯 48.8度位置發現的其中一座最大冰山。」
科學家上月也在新西蘭與南極之間的麥夸里島( Macquarie Island)對開海面,發現一座有七個足球場般大的巨型冰山,它長約 696米,露出海面的部份高約 50米,估計在海底部份深度達到 300米以上。
當時,科學家已指出,極少巨型冰山會漂至距離南極那麼遠的海域。南極生物學家米勒( Dean Miller)說:「我從未看過這個情景,我們由海平面望出去,就看到這座巨型冰島漂流。」

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20091210 強光廣告牌滋擾對岸居民

【本報訊】中環至銅鑼灣一帶天台廣告燈飾「璀璨奪目」,不停閃動的強光令對岸西九豪宅居民感到滋擾,油尖旺區議員收到數十宗居民投訴,最嚴重是位於金鐘夏大廈與美國萬通大廈跨天台的 SAMSUNG廣告牌。環保署承認,現時無法例規管光害。

區議員孔昭華指出,他接獲漾日居的投訴最多,而夏大廈與美國萬通大廈跨天台的 SAMSUNG廣告燈被指最嚴重,日夜都開動,直至凌晨,強光又不停閃動,甚至有居民指子女讀書溫習也受影響,「唔係話完全唔准,可唔可以唔閃,唔好咁猛,由夜晚 7點開到 11點半就熄,唔使居民咁慘。」他曾向環保署投訴,但獲回覆指現行法例沒有規管。今日區議會開會,將再邀請環保署、機電署和屋宇署官員出席商討改善方法。
環保署發言人說,今年收到 8宗涉及中環、灣仔海旁大廈燈光滋擾的投訴,包括夏大廈、美國萬通大廈、伊利莎伯大廈及一座位於告士打道及堅拿道西交界的大廈。該署曾勸喻大廈負責人減少招牌光線對他人的影響。署方正研究過度使用戶外燈光裝置可能引起能源浪費,並評估立法管制戶外燈光裝置的可行性。



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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

20091208 Garlic, chili ineffective against A/H1N1: Officials

Despite popular belief, neither garlic nor chili is an effective weapon against A/H1N1 influenza, health officials said yesterday.

Garlic, chili ineffective against A/H1N1: Officials

The price of garlic - a popular flu remedy in traditional Chinese medicine - has skyrocketed by more than 500 percent this winter amid public fear about the spread of the potentially deadly virus. Recent media reports said that the demand for chili is also increasing.

"There is no scientific proof that either garlic or chili is effective against the flu," Wu said during a live web cast on, the municipal government-run news portal.

"The two ingredients may work for people to improve their digestive functions and stay healthy, but they are definitely not useful for curing the flu," said the official.

"It is pure rumor that red pepper farmers and sellers are stocking up on the ingredient and waiting for the prices to soar like garlic," Liu said.

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20091208 760 farmers relocated for north-south water project

DANJIANGKOU, Hubei: More than 760 residents in central China began to move to their new homes on Tuesday, making way for the giant south-to-north water diversion project.

Sitting on the border of central China's Hubei and Henan provinces, the Danjiangkou reservoir is the source of the central route of the water transfer project.

By 2014, 330,000 migrants in the two provinces were expected to be relocated for the multi-million-dollar project which was designed to channel water from the southern region, mainly the Yangtze, China' s longest river, up to the parched north, including Beijing.

This is China's largest resettlement project following the Three Gorges Project. From 2010, more than 100,000 people would be relocated every year until 2014, relocation officials here said.

The government has prepared new houses for the relocation and promised to compensate for the properties including land, trees and farms, villagers in Junxian said.

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20091207 Chop wood for winter

Chop wood for winter
Villagers carry bundles of wood on their way back to home in Gaopo township of Guiyang city, southwest China's Guizhou province, December 5, 2009. Most people in Gaopo can't afford coal and have been chopping wood to make daily fires to cook food and get warm in winter. With fewer and fewer trees on the nearby mountains, it usually takes about eight hours' walking to find wood and carry it back, local media reported. [Asianewsphoto]
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20091208 中國溫室氣體排放; 萬鋼﹕30年內見頂

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20091208 全球減排辦法數一數

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20091208 啟德供冷系統減排慳電費; 環境局﹕空調費必低於市電電費

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20091208 1000萬網民聯署 籲訂有約束力協議

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【明報專訊】聯合國氣候峰會昨天正式開幕,為期約兩周的大會,將有110國元首或政府領袖赴會。來自丹麥的會議主席赫澤高(Connie Hedegaard)向與會192國代表直言,這次大會可能是全球合力締結協議挽救地球逃過全球暖化災難的最後也是最佳機會。他表示,能否達成協議,關鍵在於尋找出方法,給發展中國家提供融資,去應付全球暖化的衝擊,若各國政府錯失峰會今次機會,可能再沒有任何更佳的契機。

由全球226個綠色團體組成的TckTckTck運動,昨提交了全球1000萬名民眾的網上請願聯署,要求與會領袖締結一項「公平、有雄心和有約束力」的氣候協議。儘管不少專家質疑,各國最新所提出的減排限排方案,不足以把全球升溫控制在2℃的安全水平內,但聯合國環境規劃署執行總監斯坦納(Achim Steiner)大力唱好說,各國距離敲定足以防止氣候大災難的減排協議,其實只有咫尺之遙。


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20091208 「共同社論」節錄

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