Wednesday, June 25, 2008

20080624 Baosteel to pay almost twice for ore

SHANGHAI - Baosteel, China's largest iron and steel maker, said Monday it had agreed with Australian mining group Rio Tinto on a price increase of up to 96.5 percent for iron ore in 2008, nearly double that of 2007.

Baosteel agreed as early as in February on a 65 percent price rise for iron ore imports from Brazilian miner Vale, the world's largest.

Rio Tinto and larger rival BHP Billiton have then required for a "freight premium", claiming that it costs less to ship iron ore from Australia to China.

Chinese steel makers have accepted huge price rises for six consecutive years, driven up by huge increases in demand.

China imported 1.34 billion tons of iron ore between 2003 and 2007, 42 percent of the total world shipments in the five years.

The country's crude steel output more than doubled to 490 million tons in 2007 from 220 million tons in 2003.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

20080623 Qomolangma to limit tourist number to protect ecology

LHASA - Tibet may limit the number of tourists and mountaineers to Mount Qomolangma to protect its fragile ecology, the region's top environmental official has said.

The summit of the world's highest mountain Mount Everest, also known as Qomolangma, is covered in cloud. [file]

At present, there are no restrictions on the number of tourists to the mountain or the areas they can visit.

More than 40,000 tourists visited the mountain last year. And even though their number was less than 10 percent of those who visited the mountain on the Nepal side in 2000, environmentalists estimate they could have left behind as much as 120 tons of garbage - an average of 3 kg per tourist.

The glaciers on the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau are shrinking fast because of global warming. Carbon emissions on the mountain can cause further irreparable damage not only to the glaciers, but also the entire ecological balance.

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20080623 Vice president: China sticks to sustainable energy strategy

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the ongoing International Energy Conference held in the western Saudi port city of Jeddah June 22, 2008. [Xinhu
China will put emphasis on both energy exploitation and conservation with
priority given to economizing on energy consumption. China will try to meet the demands for economic growth and the improvement of people's life by increasing domestic energy supply, Xi said.

China will pursue diversified development of energy supplies, Xi said. Various energy forms such as coal, oil and gas, hydroelectricity, wind electricity and solar energy will supplement each other to secure a stable energy supply.

Technological progress and innovation in the energy field will be encouraged in China, said the vice president.

China will enhance its ability of innovation, break through the bottlenecks of energy technology and seek new ways to exploit energy resources, he said.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

20080616 野生黃花魚瀕絕種 過度捕撈(Overfishing) 近年魚獲近零

【明報專訊】由於近年過度捕撈,昔日中國主要魚種、本港街市常見的黃花魚(Yellow croaker),數量於過去20年間急跌九成,03及04年的黃花魚捕獲量更貼近零,而以往在街市常見的紅斑(Epinephelus akaara)及被中國列為二級保護動物的大澳魚/黃唇魚(Bahaba taipingensis)近年已漸趨罕見。關注海洋生態的專家警告,黃花魚正面臨絕種威脅,批評港府無海洋管理政策(見另稿),擔心長此下去,其他魚類亦會相繼絕種。

根據香港大學上月刊登於《Fish and Fisheries》期刊的研究,黃花魚捕魚量自1975年達約20萬噸,不斷下滑,其中在黃花魚主要產地中國東海的捕魚量,在1974至1990年間下跌99%(見圖),至2000年後,捕魚量已跌至接近0噸。



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Monday, June 16, 2008

20080615 岩手縣地震震動形態與四川汶川大地震相似


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20080615 日本法律規定﹕25層以上高樓 須抵7級強震

clipped from


建築防震技術可分為抗震、減震和免震。抗震就是加固,用更大的樑、更粗的柱、設置更多的混凝土剪力牆(shear wall,又稱耐震壁)和鋼筋等,抵抗地震。與抗震加固方法相比,現代加固方法更多採用「疏導」的「減震」理念。所謂「減震」,就是在建築內部設置一些高科技的「犧牲」構件——專業上稱為阻尼器,當大地震發生,阻尼器可能「犧牲」了,但同時地震能量也耗散了,主體結構得以保存。免震則是在建築物底部加裝隔震器或隔震墊,隔絕大部分震力上傳,把地震力減低至五分一,足以抵抗一般5至6級地震。






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20080615 預報系統震前震後建功 餘震前10秒 NHK廣播促避難





20080615 日本東北7.2級地震7死 200傷 最少11人失蹤




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Thursday, June 12, 2008

20080611 'Decisive victory' won in quake lake drainage

A combo photo shows a view of the earthquake-hit county of Beichuan before the flooding and after a controlled draining of the nearby Tangjiashan lake (in red frame) on Tuesday. [Agencies]

Water gushed out of the quake lake, the largest of the more than 30 formed by landslides triggered by the May 12 earthquake, after soldiers blasted the boulders and mud blocking the flow in channel.

More than half of the lake's 250 million cu m of water has flown out since soldiers and policemen dug open the channel on Saturday morning, the lake emergency rescue headquarters said yesterday.

The lake's dam is more secure too because the channel is deeper now, easing the pressure of water on the wall.

The water level in the quake lake had dropped to 720-721 m above the sea level by 5 pm, nearly 20 m below the highest, or the overflowing point. This means the outflow is now higher than the inflow, experts with the headquarters said.

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20080611 大嶼山 400 斜坡損毀

【 本 報 訊 】 在 黑 色 雨 災 中 幾 乎 毀 於 一 旦 的 大 澳 , 在 雨 災 四 天 後 依 然 食 水 中 斷 及 陸 路 受 阻 。
政 府 預 計 一 周 內 完 成 搶 修 大 澳 連 接 外 界 的 羌 山 道 , 但 承 認 大 嶼 山 以 西 一 帶 有 近 400 處 天 然 斜 坡 損 毀 , 對 居 民 構 成 威 脅 。
路 政 署 署 長 韋 志 成 表 示 , 大 澳 對 外 連 接 的 主 要 幹 道 羌 山 道 嚴 重 損 毀 , 署 方 估 計 要 用 上 12,000 噸 石 頭 才 能 修 補 , 估 計 需 時 最 少 7 天 。 土 力 工 程 處 前 日 曾 在 空 中 磡 察 大 嶼 山 以 西 災 情 , 處 長 陳 健 碩 昨 表 示 , 天 然 斜 坡 受 損 情 況 非 常 嚴 重 , 多 達 400 處 在 雨 災 中 受 到 破 壞 , 當 中 不 少 接 近 民 居 , 對 居 民 及 行 山 人 士 均 構 成 威 脅 。

上 周 六 暴 雨 破 壞 力 驚 人 , 大 澳 多 處 出 現 嚴 重 山 泥 傾 瀉 , 與 民 居 非 常 接 近 。 政 府 新 聞 處 提 供 圖 片

工 人 加 緊 清 理 塌 下 大 澳 路 面 的 山 泥 , 盡 快 恢 復 對 外 交 通 。

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

20080610 Quake lake expected to shrink as drainage speeds up

Picture taken at 9 am on June 10, 2008 from a military helicopter shows the drainage of the Tangjiashan quake lake in southewest China's Sichuan Province. Drainage of the quake lake through a manmade spillway speeded up to 1,760 cubic meters per second at 9:30 am on Tuesday, whereas water flow in the lower reaches of the lake, in Beichuan County, reached 2,240 cubic meters per second. [Xinhua]

More than 250,000 people in low-lying areas in Mianyang City have been relocated under a plan based on the assumption that one-third of the lake volume breached the dam.

Picture taken on June 10, 2008 from a military helicopter shows flood water flowing past Beichuan County in southewest China's Sichuan Province. Drainage of the Tangjiashan quake lake through a manmade spillway speeded up to 1,760 cubic meters per second at 9:30 am on Tuesday, whereas water flow in the lower reaches of the lake, in Beichuan County, reached 2,240 cubic meters per second. [Xinhua]
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