Tuesday, September 29, 2009

20090929 AFRICA: The Drought Revisited

clipped from www.time.com
Despite moderate rains last year, four of Ethiopia's 14 provinces have massive
hunger problems.
The worst-hit areas are Eritrea
where the civil war
has driven farmers from parched fields

The heavy rains which are due in Somalia later this year will be crucial to
the survival of thousands of people. But semi-arid Somalia cannot indefinitely
support 4 million nomads in a total population of 5 million. The leftist
military government is trying to force hundreds of thousands of nomads to settle
as farmers on land that can be irrigated, or to become fishermen along the
nation's 1,800-mile coastline. The proud nomads are contemptuous of both farmers
and fishermen. But with their herds decimated and the continuing threat of
starvation, they will probably give in. As an East bloc diplomat in the Somali
capital of Mogadishu puts it: "The choice, for many, is to switch or

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Monday, September 28, 2009

20090928 The Making of Modern China

clipped from www.time.com

The Making of Modern China

As the People's Republic of China gets ready to celebrate its 60th anniversary on Oct. 1, 2009, a look back at the watershed moments that helped make the nation what it is today

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20090924 Has China Really Gotten Serious About Climate Change?

clipped from www.time.com
A thick smog settles over Beijing.
A thick smog settles over Beijing.
China, with 1.3 billion people grasping the higher living standards that
industrialization and market economics have brought, had only just begun
to spew CO2 into the atmosphere, and it was already the No. 1 emitter. If
climate change was the great global threat that the doomsayers believed it was
and if there was to be a more effective global response post Kyoto (the 1997
treaty that failed, 96-0, in the U.S. Senate), China's emissions were going to
have to be dealt with. And Beijing knew it.
Earlier this summer, Beijing said it would commit to outright reductions of its
CO2 emissions more than 40 years from now — by the year 2050.
The message from Beijing is now unmistakable: Hu and his cohorts are no longer
ignoring climate change.
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20090928 Fast Antarctic Ice: Go, Speed Glacier, Go!

clipped from www.time.com
An iceberg drifts in the iceberg graveyard near the Weddell Sea
An iceberg drifts in the iceberg graveyard near the Weddell Sea
"Back in the early 1990s," says Jay Zwally, a glaciologist with NASA's Goddard
Space Flight Center, and the principal scientist for the agency's ICEsat
orbiter, "Greenland was losing ice at the margins but gaining in the center. It
was in balance." Recently, though, NASA's gravity-mapping satellite, known as
GRACE, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, has shown a net loss of
about a Lake Erie's worth of ice every two years.
In Antarctica, where many glaciers flow, not directly into the sea but into
giant, floating ice shelves, it's the thinning or total collapse of the shelves
— something that's been happening with increasing frequency
According to a new report in Nature, glaciers are getting thinner all
around the perimeter of Greenland, and in western Antarctica as well.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

20090923 Three river delta areas sinking, report claims

Three river deltas in China are sinking due to global warming and excessive extraction of underground water, leaving millions of people with an increasing risk of floods, a recent scientific report showed.

Three river delta areas sinking, report claims
The Pearl, Yangtze and Yellow river deltas in China are among the 33 major
deltas studied, with 24 of them found to be sinking, according to the report
released by the University of Colorado. The three river deltas in China cover
about 160,000 sq km and nearly 100 million people live in the areas surrounding
these river deltas.

"Most of the at-risk river basins are in the developing countries of Asia, but there are several in developed nations as well, including the Rhone in France and the Po in Italy," Altert Kettner from the university told British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

"This study shows there are a host of human-induced factors that already cause deltas to sink much more rapidly than could be explained by sea level alone," he said in the BBC report.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

20090922 氣溫升2度就亡國 小島國疾呼限制為1.5度

clipped from hk.news.yahoo.com

(法新社紐約    21日電) 當世界領袖齊聚紐約進行關鍵性的氣候變化談判時,小島國家今天警告,他們的時間不多了,海平面的升高有可能使他們從地圖上消失。

遍佈於全球各大洋的小島國所組成的小島嶼國家聯盟(AOSIS),希望在聯合國    哥本哈根(Copenhagen )氣候變遷會議前的100天,能夠讓他們的聲音被聽見。

聯合國秘書長潘基文    英國    前首相布萊爾(TonyBlair)也呼籲世界各國政府,在聯合國氣候週(Climate Week )時公開承諾解決全球暖化    問題。

歐盟    領導人表示,如果其他各國也同意付出相同心力,他們願意致力於削減30%的二氧化碳排放量,使全球溫度上升不超過攝氏2度。

聯合國氣候變化談判員波爾(Yvo de Boer)告訴法新社:「小島國家必須要表達,這無異於是宣告它們的滅絕,因為氣候增加攝氏2度的結果是,所有的小島國都將消失。」


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Monday, September 21, 2009

20090921 珠三角地陷海升威脅最嚴重

clipped from hk.news.yahoo.com

美國    研究人員警告,中國的黃河    、長江和珠江三角洲,都面臨「地陷海升」的威脅,更屬於全球最危險的一級。




報告特別指出,珠三角    除了要面對地陷海升的威脅,同時還受到颱風的考驗,每年都要遭受嚴重的洪水威脅。

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Friday, September 18, 2009

20090917 準國家級公園變私人墳場 座落馬屎洲 多次舉報 政府懶理

2009? 9?<br/>??????????????,???????????????,????????

2009年 9月

2003? 6?<br/>??????,????????????,?????

2003年 6月

??????????????????????,????? 3,000?????

在馬屎洲上興建的私人墳場設有神像、祭壇及墓碑,估計可安葬 3,000個骨灰甕。

香港地貌岩石保育協會主席吳振揚指出,去年 9月開始見到水芒田出現大型鏟泥車進行工程。至今年
1999年獲政府列為馬屎洲特別地區。港府正準備今年底向中央政府國土資源部提出申報,把馬屎洲等八組地點列為國家級地質公園。 src="http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/template/apple/images/art_end.gif" align=absMiddle>
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

20090916 Oil companies cough up for spills

Oil companies cough up for spills
Workers clean up a large patch of oil from a cargo ship that hit the rocks in Zhuhai port, Guangdong province, yesterday. The oil spill is covering more than 24,000 sq m. The accident was caused by Typhoon Koppu, which hit the country yesterday. [Li Jiansu

Major oil companies will soon be required to contribute to a special fund to clean up damage from oil spills.

Last year, 109 oil spills occurred in China's seawaters, leaking 354 tons of oil into the waters.

The spills wreak havoc on sea life, fishing and tourism, and can cost millions of yuan to clean up and to compensate victims for the damage.

Increased shipping traffic, including oil cargo ships to and from China's coast,
in addition to the bigger size of tankers, is putting greater pressure on the
ocean environment.

China has joined a number of international conventions, and taken measures to prevent oil spills and to build up the emergency response capacity to deal with accidents.

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20090916 建風力場議員有保留

【本報訊】中華電力擬於西貢對開海面興建風力發電場,西貢區議會昨討論時,大部份區議員持保留態度,憂慮於海面豎立風車會破壞原有天然景觀。香港地貌岩石保育協會也強調,興建風力場投資達 100億元,每年產生的發電量少於整體的 1%,沒有需要犧牲珍貴的地質遺址,換取有限的可再生能源。
政府早前有條件地接納中電在西貢興建風力場的環境評估報告,大部份西貢區議員憂慮天然地貌會遭破壞,也擔心在海面豎立 67台風車,會影響可持續性發展,區議會最終決定成立小組跟進。

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

20090908 Kilimanjaro's icy top may disappear within 10 years

Kilimanjaro's icy top may disappear within 10 years
Kilimanjaro's icy top, which provided the title for an iconic short story by
Ernest Hemingway, has been waning for more than a century and photos taken
lately show the geological marvel may soon disappear with the ice vanishing.
Environmentalists say the time may be as short as within 10 years. Kilimanjaro,
an extinct volcano near Tanzania's border with Kenya, is the highest peak in
Africa at 5,963 meters and attracts hordes of tourists and climbers for its
spectacular views. [Xinhua
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Monday, September 7, 2009

20090906 China spends 1 trillion yuan on environments

YINCHUAN: China has spent nearly 1 trillion yuan (US$146 billion) on ecological conservation and environmental protection over the past decade, a senior official told an international seminar on ecological compensation held Sunday in northwest China.

Of the total investment, more than 700 billion yuan went to projects to
reforest cultivated land, return grazing land to protected grassland, protect
natural forests and conserve river sources on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and for
the south-to-north water diversion program, according to Du Ying, vice minister
of the National Development and Reform Commission.

Another 200 billion yuan was used for pollution control in major river
valleys and urban sewage treatment projects, Du said at the seminar that was
held in Shizuishan city of northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

20090902 Icecap photo shows 'mother nature in tears'

clipped from www.telegraph.co.uk

Marine photographer and environmental lecturer Michael Nolan captured the pictures while on an annual voyage to observe the largest icecap in Norway Austfonna on July 16.

He said the image looked just like mother nature in tears, "as if she was crying about our inability to reduce global warming".

'Tears' in the natural sculpture were created by a waterfall of glacial water falling from one of the face's 'eyes'.

A crying face is revealed in an ice cap located on Nordaustlandet in the Svalbard archipelago in Norway: Icecap photo shows 'mother nature in tears'
A crying face is revealed in an ice cap located on Nordaustlandet in the Svalbard archipelago in Norway

"The geometry of the ice cap is changing. The fronts are retreating, the lower parts are getting thinner, with a thinning rate of about three feet-per-year while the interior of the ice cap is thickening with about 1.6 feet-per-year," he said.

"The ice cap is losing about 1.6 cubic miles of ice every year."

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