Monday, January 18, 2010

20100118 科學家:強震可能再襲印尼外海引發巨大海嘯

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(法新社巴黎17日電) 地震專家團隊今天指出,將會引發巨大海嘯的強烈地震,可能會侵襲印尼蘇門答臘島(Sumatra)外海,以及巴東市(Padang),足以造成與2004年南亞大海嘯相匹敵的慘重傷亡。

專家團隊致函英國「自然地球科學」(NatureGeoscience)期刊,並於信中提出警告。該團隊由著名科學家麥克羅斯基(John McCloskey)領軍;他曾精準預測2005年蘇門答臘島地震,令人深感驚奇。

研究人員指出,這項威脅的成因是過去200年來,巽他海溝(Sunda Trench)其中一段的壓力不斷增加。巽他海溝與蘇門答臘島西部海岸平行,是全球最著名的地震帶之一。

研究人員在信函中不諱言指出,孟塔維區段(Mentawai patch)「已接近臨界點」。此區段是以印尼孟塔維群島(Mentawai Islands)為名。






麥克羅斯基的團隊指出,2009年地震發生後,西伯路特島下方的「大型逆衝區(mega-thrust)應變能(strain-energy)大體來說維持不變。」西伯路特島是孟塔維群島(Mentawai Islands)中最大島。


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20100118 啟德打造全港最綠屋邨 三成面積園林 樹蔭購物大道



【本報訊】房屋署打造啟德發展區內的公屋項目,成為全港最綠及最環保屋邨。座落於啟德的 15幢公屋會以「綠茵家居」為主題,逾9公頃屋邨範圍內會有逾三成面積,包括大廈天台、牆身及空地,是種滿花草樹木的綠化地區。邨內又設有一條媲美尖沙嘴栢麗大道的綠化購物大道,邨民可在樹蔭下邊散步邊購物。

啟????????,????? 2.7???<br/>????????

啟德公屋設中央公園,綠化面積逾 2.7公頃。

好的居住環境總要有一個好商場,方便居民購物。為配合環保,房署放棄採用樓高數層的商場,仿效尖沙嘴栢麗大道街舖形式,在兩個屋邨之間一段長 450米的「 L3」路,打造成一條有逾百間商舖的購物大道。馮宜萱說,街舖商場遠較整幢商場環保,可以節省大量冷氣及燈光等用電。購物大道兩旁也會大量栽種綠色植物,及一道結合垂直綠化的弧形外牆,宣揚綠色訊息。



非住宅部份採用了新穎的環保物料。房署會在其中一個邨內的停車場及一些低層建築物採用「 i-Crete」技術,馮宜萱指這是一項石屎監控系統,可以用較少水泥便可調出與普通混凝土一樣堅硬的「優質混凝土」,從而減少生產混凝土時的二氧化碳。不過,有關監控技術屬仍要經反覆測試,效果良好才應用於建樓。

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20100118 TIME Cartoon_Climate Change

Climatoon: An Animated Climate Change Chat

Starting in Copenhagen, Journalist Jesse Hardman and illustrator Arthur Jones take a trip around the globe to explore climate change


Part I: Conversations and Climate Change

Part II: The Climate Change Tour Continues

Part III: Sinking Islands and Copenhagen

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20100118 Top 10 Deadliest Earthquakes

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A 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit the capital of Haiti Jan. 12, and thousands are presumed dead. Here's a look at some of the most unforgiving earthquakes in history

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200907210 Made in India: The $12,000 Electric Car

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Members of the Indian Youth Climate Network drive Reva, a low-cost electric car, in New Delhi

At a time when almost every carmaker in the world is looking at making environmentally friendly vehicles, a little-known Indian company is jumping the queue by ramping up production of a low-cost electric car called the Reva.

Reva faces a growing list of potential competitors that plan to launch
all-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles over the next several years.
The cars haven't exactly taken the world by storm. Reva — which has received
venture capital from Draper Fisher Jurveston, the Global Environment Fund and
Mellon HBV Master Global Event Drive Fund — has sold only 3,000 cars over the
past eight years. Half of those have been exported to Europe, mainly to London.
Despite Reva's relatively low cost, consumers may not be convinced, especially
in India, that the car can compete against similarly priced gasoline-powered
family sedans. "Reva is yet to hit the price-performance equation
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20100111 Big-City Buyers Seem Ready for Electric Cars

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2010 could finally be the year of the electric car, with at least two major
models — the plug-in hybrid Chevrolet Volt and the all-electric Nissan Leaf
a new report by the consulting firm McKinsey finds that in megacities —
metropolitan areas with over 10 million people — there might already be enough
interest to get electric cars moving off the lots surprisingly fast.
Already densely populated and set to grow — 286 million people lived in 19
megacities in 2007, a number expected to rise to 447 million people in 27
megacities by 2025 — megacities are the perfect laboratory for the electric car.
There's also a strong need in megacities to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and
other air pollutants — megacities already emit roughly 10% of global CO2
The McKinsey survey found that in New York, Paris and Shanghai many drivers
report that they would be willing to buy electrics even in the face of range
limitations and other inconveniences
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

20100114 諾貝爾氣候專家﹕港50年內變乾燥

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在美國國家海洋和大氣管理局地球物理流體動力學實驗室研究逾30年的氣候診斷項目首席科學家劉雅章,昨日在中大主持講座。根據實驗室的研究,假設人類活動持續及受氣候變化影響,全球氣候在未來50年將出現劇變,其中現時濕度較高的南部和西部,與較乾燥的北部和東北部的濕度會出現逆轉, 在2040年至2070年,華南地區包括香港會出現較乾燥的氣候。



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20100114 劉雅章籲年輕人忠於「內心呼喚」

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從此,劉雅章愛上氣象,天氣圖是他於「內心的呼喚」(inner voice),「一個老師展示的一幅天氣圖,或是恒常工作的舉動,老師或許不知道,這對我有多大的影響」,他呼籲年輕人不要輕易放過內心的啟發,要忠於「內心的呼喚」,鼓起勇氣埋首於自己喜愛科目。

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20100114 Oil imports hit alarming level in China: Study

China's crude oil dependency reached alarming levels last year with more than half of the country's total oil consumption coming from abroad, latest official statistics show.

Imported crude oil accounted for 52 percent of the country's total oil
consumption last year
Importing more than 50 percent is a globally recognized energy security alert
Due to the country's fast economic development, increased oil imports will
continue for a long time and stepping up the exploration and development of
natural gas as substitute energy is very urgent
China has acted only as the buyer not the seller and the surging oil price means
constantly losing money.
An effective way to avoid China's oil dependency is to change the domestic
energy consumption pattern and to encourage the development and use of electric
vehicles, because about 60 percent of the oil consumption is for vehicles
we should pay more attention to how to increase the efficiency of energy
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20100114 Tens of thousands feared dead after Haiti quake

Tens of thousands feared dead after Haiti quake

Resident search for survivors among the debris after an earthquake in Port-au-Prince on January 13, 2010. [Agencies]

Haiti seems especially prone to catastrophe — from natural disasters like hurricanes, storms, floods and mudslides to crushing poverty, unstable governments, poor building standards and low literacy rates.

People streamed into the Haitian countryside, where wooden and cinderblock shacks showed little sign of damage. Many balanced suitcases and other belongings on their heads. Ambulances and UN trucks raced in the opposite direction, toward Port-au-Prince.

The first cargo planes with food, water, medical supplies, shelter and sniffer dogs headed to the Western Hemisphere's poorest nation a day after the magnitude-7 quake flattened much of the capital of 2 million people.

Preval said thousands of people were probably killed. Leading Sen. Youri Latortue told The Associated Press that 500,000 could be dead, but conceded that nobody really knows.

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20100114 專家多年前發預警 位處兩斷層交界

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專家解釋,今次地震發生的斷層與美國加州的聖安德列斯(San Andreas)斷層構造十分相似,兩者均屬走向滑移斷層(Strike-slip faults),即撞擊的板塊沿著水平方向來回移動。當兩塊板塊擠壓時,就產生強大力量,造成地震。


報告其中一名作者曼恩(Paul Mann)說﹕「我們一直關注這斷裂帶,這類地震的麻煩之處是,它們可以在數百年內一直處於『休眠』狀態,很難預測到底何時會爆發。」伊斯帕尼奧拉島附近地區近代最大規模地震發生在1946年,當年一場8.1級地震奪去了1790人性命,令2萬人無家可歸。


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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

20100113 Cold snap linked to global warming

Weather experts say global warming not only warms the world, it also brings colder extreme weather.

Kuang said most regions that are located north of 40 degrees latitude are
suffering from the freezing cold this year.

Kuang said human activities are concentrated north of the equator, which quickens the global warming process in the northern hemisphere.

The heated air, carrying the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, rises and circulates to the southern hemisphere.

As the air loses its heat high in the atmosphere, the dense air, loaded with carbon dioxide, sinks and brings cold air from the upper atmosphere with it.

"And the cold air causes the south part of the Earth to become colder," Kuang said.

When carbon dioxide builds up in the south, the process reverses, with cold air descending on the northern hemisphere.

Cold snap linked to global warming
Cold snap linked to global warming
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20100113 Venezuela announces nationwide energy rationing

Venezuela's government imposed rolling blackouts of up to four hours every other
day throughout the country on Tuesday to combat an energy crisis.
rationing is necessary to prevent water levels in Guri Dam -- the
cornerstone of Venezuela's energy system -- from falling to critical lows
and causing a widespread power collapse. Drought has cut the flow of water into
the dam, which feeds three hydroelectric plants that supply 73 percent of
Venezuela's electricity.
water levels at the dam in southeastern Venezuela have dropped drastically as a
result of the El Nino weather phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean, saying "it's a
global phenomenon and it's affected us in recent months." He noted there has
been particularly little rain in southeastern Venezuela, where the watershed
that feeds Guri is located.
The government recently reduced the hours of electricity supply for shopping
centers and required businesses and large residential complexes to cut energy
use by 20 percent or face fines.
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20100113 Haiti quake aid effort launched

Help is coming: Aid from outside agencies and countries will be crucial. Many have already stepped up and promised to help.

* Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres will be deploying additional staff to help at severely damaged medical facilities.

* UNICEF will provide supplies to allow access to adequate sanitation, safe water and basic health care.

* The State Department has also set up a help line (888-407-4747) for those seeking information about family and loved ones in Haiti. Due to high call volume, callers may hear a recording.

* A 50-member Chinese rescue team is ready to depart for quake-hit Haiti Wednesday.

* France is sending 65 clearing specialists, rescue dogs and a team of medical personnel.

* The Red Cross has directed $200,000 for immediate assistance.

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20100113 Haiti quake updates

Haiti quake updates & aid effort launched

A worker for Action Medeor relief organization packs parcels in emergency health kits in Toenisvorst, western Germany, on Wednesday Jan. 13, 2010, to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. The sign reads : 'Haiti Emergency'. [Agencies] 

Although information coming out of the Caribbean nation is limited, due to the
fact that power and telephone lines were downed in the quake, some news has
reached the outside world via cell phones and Twitter accounts. At the time of
this writing, officials have released no casualty estimates, but thousands of
people are feared dead.
Political instability has left the country with few construction standards, and
so buildings are simply not made to withstand such a natural disaster.
Emergency services are practically nonexistent, forcing survivors to risk their
own lives by scrambling over rubble and inside unstable structures.
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20100113 Thousands feared dead as major quake strikes Haiti (1)

President Barack Obama offered prayers for the people of Haiti and said the US stood ready to help. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the US was offering full assistance — civilian and military — and a national organization of registered nurses called for nurse volunteers to provide care in Haiti.

Venezuela's government said it would send a military plane with canned foods, medicine and drinking water and provide 50 rescue workers. Mexico, which suffered an earthquake in 1985 that killed some 10,000 people, planned to send doctors, search and rescue dogs and infrastructure damage experts.

"You want to go there, but you just have to wait," she said. "Life is already so fragile in Haiti, and to have this on such a massive scale, it's unimaginable how the country will be able to recover from this."

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20100113 Thousands feared dead as major quake strikes Haiti

Thousands feared dead as major quake strikes Haiti

People walk along a street lined with buildings, which were destroyed after a major earthquake struck, in Port-au-Prince in this January 12, 2010 video grab. [Agencies]

Thousands feared dead as major quake strikes Haiti

The quake struck at 4:53 pm, centered just 10 miles (15 kilometers) west of Port-au-Prince at a depth of only 5 miles (8 kilometers), the US Geological Survey said. USGS geophysicist Kristin Marano called it the strongest earthquake since 1770 in what is now Haiti.

The temblor appeared to have occurred along a strike-slip fault, where one side of a vertical fault slips horizontally past the other, said Tom Jordan, a quake expert at the University of Southern California.

Most of Haiti's 9 million people are desperately poor, and after years of political instability the country has no real construction standards. In November 2008, following the collapse of a school in Petionville, the mayor of Port-au-Prince estimated about 60 percent of buildings were shoddily built and unsafe in normal circumstances.

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20100113 Thousands feared dead as major quake strikes Haiti

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A five-story U.N. headquarters building was also brought down by Tuesday's 7.0 magnitude quake, the most powerful to hit Haiti in more than 200 years according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The quake's epicenter was only 10 miles from Port-au-Prince. About 4 million people live in the city and surrounding area. Aftershocks as powerful as 5.9 rattled the city throughout the night and into Wednesday.

The poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti is ill-equipped to respond to such a disaster, lacking heavy equipment to move debris and sufficient emergency personnel.

"If a building like the palace, which is very solid, collapsed, then the devastation is going to be worse because a lot of the buildings are not up to code around Port-au-Prince," he told ABC's Good Morning America. "They're flimsy little abodes hanging on the sides of hills."

Experts said the quake's epicenter was very shallow at a depth of only 6.2
miles, which was likely to have magnified the destruction.
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