Monday, January 18, 2010
20100118 科學家:強震可能再襲印尼外海引發巨大海嘯
20100118 啟德打造全港最綠屋邨 三成面積園林 樹蔭購物大道
20100118 TIME Cartoon_Climate Change
20100118 Top 10 Deadliest Earthquakes
200907210 Made in India: The $12,000 Electric Car
Reva faces a growing list of potential competitors that plan to launch The cars haven't exactly taken the world by storm. Reva — which has received Despite Reva's relatively low cost, consumers may not be convinced, especially |
20100111 Big-City Buyers Seem Ready for Electric Cars
2010 could finally be the year of the electric car, with at least two major a new report by the consulting firm McKinsey finds that in megacities — Already densely populated and set to grow — 286 million people lived in 19 There's also a strong need in megacities to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and The McKinsey survey found that in New York, Paris and Shanghai many drivers |
Thursday, January 14, 2010
20100114 諾貝爾氣候專家﹕港50年內變乾燥
20100114 劉雅章籲年輕人忠於「內心呼喚」
20100114 Oil imports hit alarming level in China: Study
Imported crude oil accounted for 52 percent of the country's total oil Importing more than 50 percent is a globally recognized energy security alert Due to the country's fast economic development, increased oil imports will China has acted only as the buyer not the seller and the surging oil price means An effective way to avoid China's oil dependency is to change the domestic we should pay more attention to how to increase the efficiency of energy |
20100114 Tens of thousands feared dead after Haiti quake
20100114 專家多年前發預警 位處兩斷層交界
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
20100113 Cold snap linked to global warming
Kuang said most regions that are located north of 40 degrees latitude are
20100113 Venezuela announces nationwide energy rationing
Venezuela's government imposed rolling blackouts of up to four hours every other rationing is necessary to prevent water levels in Guri Dam -- the water levels at the dam in southeastern Venezuela have dropped drastically as a The government recently reduced the hours of electricity supply for shopping |
20100113 Haiti quake aid effort launched
20100113 Haiti quake updates
Although information coming out of the Caribbean nation is limited, due to the Political instability has left the country with few construction standards, and Emergency services are practically nonexistent, forcing survivors to risk their |
20100113 Thousands feared dead as major quake strikes Haiti (1)
20100113 Thousands feared dead as major quake strikes Haiti
20100113 Thousands feared dead as major quake strikes Haiti
Experts said the quake's epicenter was very shallow at a depth of only 6.2 |