Friday, October 23, 2009
20091023 澳洲西北外海原油外洩 嚴重威脅深海生物
20091023 美研究:生質燃料恐升高溫室氣體
20091023 WWF:全球森林消失速度 每分鐘36個足球場
20091023 港貧富差距全球最懸殊
Thursday, October 22, 2009
20091022 晨曦島再生能源發電 全港之先
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
20091013 研究非市場經濟成就大 諾貝爾獎 首位女性奪經濟學獎
奧斯特羅姆屬環境經濟學派,多年來研究範疇主要是人類行為與生態系統關係,以達致資源長期供應。她認為,現時全球氣溫上升,這方面的研究尤其重要。 |
Sunday, October 11, 2009
20091011 煤氣將沼氣變燃氣
Monday, October 5, 2009
20090929 The Manila Floods: Why Wasn't the City Prepared?
Torrential rain over the weekend triggered the worst flooding the Philippines' The capital region is perched on a marshy isthmus that is crisscrossed with Last weekend's flood was in large part the result of the capital's poor drainage Plans have been afoot to improve sanitation and also relieve the population
Sunday, October 4, 2009
20091004 Study: Sichuan quake once in 4,000 years
"The authors find that the stresses that had built up in the Earth's crust in
20091004 Quake jolts Taiwan, no damage reported
Friday, October 2, 2009
20090930 8.0 magnitude quake generates tsunami off Samoa islands
* Big sub-sea quake causes tsunami in South Pacific * Deaths reported in American Samoa and Western Samoa
20090930 Quake triggers Tsunami in the Samoas, killing 34
20091002 Thousands feared dead after Indonesia quake
* At least 500 dead in Padang area after quake - ministry * Many still buried under rubble * Schools, hospitals, hotels collapse in quake-prone Padang * 7.6 magnitude quake cuts communications * Second, 6.6 magnitude quake, hits Sumatra
20091002 Indonesian quake toll at 1,100, thousands missing
20091001 海嘯 10米水牆 1000公里時速拍岸