Despite moderate rains last year, four of Ethiopia's 14 provinces have massive The worst-hit areas are Eritrea where the civil war has driven farmers from parched fields
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
20090929 AFRICA: The Drought Revisited
Monday, September 28, 2009
20090928 The Making of Modern China
20090924 Has China Really Gotten Serious About Climate Change?
China, with 1.3 billion people grasping the higher living standards that Earlier this summer, Beijing said it would commit to outright reductions of its The message from Beijing is now unmistakable: Hu and his cohorts are no longer |
20090928 Fast Antarctic Ice: Go, Speed Glacier, Go!
"Back in the early 1990s," says Jay Zwally, a glaciologist with NASA's Goddard In Antarctica, where many glaciers flow, not directly into the sea but into According to a new report in Nature, glaciers are getting thinner all |
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
20090923 Three river delta areas sinking, report claims
The Pearl, Yangtze and Yellow river deltas in China are among the 33 major
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
20090922 氣溫升2度就亡國 小島國疾呼限制為1.5度
Monday, September 21, 2009
20090921 珠三角地陷海升威脅最嚴重
Friday, September 18, 2009
20090917 準國家級公園變私人墳場 座落馬屎洲 多次舉報 政府懶理
被發展成私人墳場的是馬屎洲西南端水芒田的一幅農地,由大埔三門仔乘船約五分鐘便可抵達,墳場岸邊設有一個簡便碼頭。墳場名為遠福園,場內鋪上石板,設有神像、祭壇及墓碑等設施,估計可放置 地政署發言人表示,該幅土地是私人農地,無收過改建為墳場的申請;由於私人農地土地契約較寬鬆,地政署正徵詢法律意見工程有否違反地契,若證實違契,會要求業主恢復原有用途。
香港地貌岩石保育協會主席吳振揚指出,去年 9月開始見到水芒田出現大型鏟泥車進行工程。至今年 |
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
20090916 Oil companies cough up for spills
Workers clean up a large patch of oil from a cargo ship that hit the rocks in Zhuhai port, Guangdong province, yesterday. The oil spill is covering more than 24,000 sq m. The accident was caused by Typhoon Koppu, which hit the country yesterday. [Li Jiansu
Increased shipping traffic, including oil cargo ships to and from China's coast,
20090916 建風力場議員有保留
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
20090908 Kilimanjaro's icy top may disappear within 10 years
Kilimanjaro's icy top, which provided the title for an iconic short story by |
Monday, September 7, 2009
20090906 China spends 1 trillion yuan on environments
Friday, September 4, 2009
20090902 Icecap photo shows 'mother nature in tears'
A crying face is revealed in an ice cap located on Nordaustlandet in the Svalbard archipelago in Norway