Monday, September 28, 2009

20090924 Has China Really Gotten Serious About Climate Change?

clipped from
A thick smog settles over Beijing.
A thick smog settles over Beijing.
China, with 1.3 billion people grasping the higher living standards that
industrialization and market economics have brought, had only just begun
to spew CO2 into the atmosphere, and it was already the No. 1 emitter. If
climate change was the great global threat that the doomsayers believed it was
and if there was to be a more effective global response post Kyoto (the 1997
treaty that failed, 96-0, in the U.S. Senate), China's emissions were going to
have to be dealt with. And Beijing knew it.
Earlier this summer, Beijing said it would commit to outright reductions of its
CO2 emissions more than 40 years from now — by the year 2050.
The message from Beijing is now unmistakable: Hu and his cohorts are no longer
ignoring climate change.
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  1. Yes,I agree that...
    A few years ago,I went to Shanghai,it was the almost same scene that in the photo of Beijing!:(

  2. If there is ever an election on the yuckiest geographical scenario, this is doomed to champ.

    She is speaking seriously, but I daresay nobody will ever do it because they only think of money now not ever. pity.
