Wednesday, September 9, 2009

20090908 Kilimanjaro's icy top may disappear within 10 years

Kilimanjaro's icy top may disappear within 10 years
Kilimanjaro's icy top, which provided the title for an iconic short story by
Ernest Hemingway, has been waning for more than a century and photos taken
lately show the geological marvel may soon disappear with the ice vanishing.
Environmentalists say the time may be as short as within 10 years. Kilimanjaro,
an extinct volcano near Tanzania's border with Kenya, is the highest peak in
Africa at 5,963 meters and attracts hordes of tourists and climbers for its
spectacular views. [Xinhua
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1 comment:

  1. Let's paint it white (I mean the top of it), or else with such polluting and heating, Kilimanjaro is (almost 100% certain) to be doomed to become yet another plain mountain!
